This picture is with all her kids and some of their spouses.
This picture is with her grand kids.
Lex and I. We had a fun time hanging out with family.
Lex's Birthday!
Lex turned 3 this year and had a Cars party. Here is his yummy cake. It was good.
Here are the decorations.
I got a picture with him before everyone arrived. He was excited.
Here are some of the guests. Danika
Lex had a blast opening presents. He says oh wow and thank you. He was such a cutie.
I love how the other kids get so excited and help open the presents. It makes me laugh.
Lex afterwards gave hugs and said thanks.
Time to sing Happy Birthday.
Convincing him to blow out the candles was harder than I thought. I guess he got shy. I ended up blowing the candles out, oh well.
He did like licking the frosting off the cake before it was cut.
Happy Birthday Charles!
Charles wanted ribs and that is what we had on his birthday. They were very yummy. My dad sure does know how to bbq. I was so messy, but it was worth it.
Happy Birthday Savannah!
All the kids loved playing outside and going down the slide.
Ethan is so good with the younger kids. Lex loves him and loves when Ethan plays with him.
Lex loved the cupcakes. I think that is all he ate was cupcake and cookies.
Here is Lex going down the slide. weeee.
Savannah had a Alice in wonderland tea party theme for her birthday. Her dad colored the cat from the movie and let them pin the grin on the cat. It was super cute.
The kids had a fun time chasing each other all around the yard.
This baby is the newest one to the family. Her name is Eva. They are so little when they are born. Look at Lex, my baby he is huge. I guess it is time for another, huh?
I love how Danika is trying to blow out the candles.
So, I think Lex has had a birthday party of some kind every weekend in March so far and we are not done yet. March is Birthday Madness in our family so Happy Birthday Family.
The ones I missed and Happy Birthday!!!
Liz-9th of March
coming up....grandma judy and ruth the 28th!