Thursday, April 21, 2011

Baby Vince

There are advantages to having a baby that is bottled fed!! Ben loves to help.
Lex has been super cute with the baby. He just tells the baby to "calm down" when he is crying as he is pounding his fists. It's pretty funny to watch.
Rachel brought Olivia over and we got some pictures of the babies together. Aren't they just adorable?
They are holding hands.
Vince wanted to give her a hug, awwwe.
Abuelita came to visit.
Vince is super strong with his hands. He loves to have them right by his face most of the time. He kind of holds his own bottle already, hahaha.
I think he looks like Lex in this picture.
Cute hands. i think they look like Ben's long and skinny.
I love this outfit and tried doing a photo shoot to get some good pictures of my handsome boy. I think I did alright.
This was my doctor that delivered Vince. I love my doctor.
I love his little mouth in this picture.
He has a lot of hair and big eyes.
I got a little carried away with all these photos but I couldn't just pick a few. Side note to Jen: These are my attempts at taking good pictures, so no making fun! Just get your butt out here to help me learn how to use my camera.


just jen said...

oh! he is adorable, i just love him!

good job on the pics, it just takes practice and now that you have such a cute baby you can practice all the time.

love you!

Rachel said...

Oh lindsay! So cute! He is handsome just like Lex! Glad you are up to posting!

rayefan said...

I loved looking at all of these pictures. I can't wait to meet him. And still can't believe I haven't. But, being sick for nearly a week and then on vacation.... well, time flys.
He is adorable!

Anonymous said...


He is SO dang handsome!! I want to steal him!

Anne N said...

Oh my gosh he's the cutest little thing EVER!!!

We need to get together soon. I must see this baby! Let me know when I can come visit and I'll bring you treats. :)