Tuesday, April 22, 2008


This is Lex's all too familiar phrase that he says all the time, "uh-oh". It is so cute when he says it. He knows exactly what it means too.
For example:
Shredding toilet paper across the house. You can see in the picture he is saying uh-oh.

We have all been sick lately. I took Lex to the dr. yesterday and found out he has croup. He got a shot so hopefully he will start feeling better.
He is such a tough little boy because besides hearing him you would not know he is sick. He loves to have fun and play, play all day.
I love him! Look at him.


just jen said...

i especially like the in motion picture, and i love the new look too!

Emily B said...

The only thing my baby says is "uh-oh". He says it all day long, and I still think it's hilarious every time he says it.

Rachel Leigh said...

he is the cutest thing ever! he is getting so big, i can't believe he is almost starting to walk without having to make him.

Angela said...

The toilet paper and "uh-oh" are JUST like Owen. I know that all too well. Good luck with the sickness. Sorry.

Rosequist said...

I especially like his Uh-oh when he is in the high chair and purposefully chucks his food on the floor. --The games he likes to play with my patience!--