We also rode a little piggy, hahaha.
Here he is at Ben's work. He loved taking the spotlight. Or rather he didn't want to stand in one spot so we could take the picture.
Isn't he handsome??
He definitely looks the part when he wears the shades.
Friday night we went to the ward trunk or treat. He had fun playing all the little games they had. He especially loves the frosting on the cupcake.
Lex napped late on Halloween so we got a late start to trick or treating. We went with Charles and his girls. Lex had a blast.
He really got the whole trick or treating down. He loves getting the candy. He was so funny, when the people would let him pick which candy, he would grab a whole handful. oops.
Here Elvis is with uncle Chucky.
He was so cute with his bucket of candy, he would not let me hold it for him. He had to carry it.
Here he is in his pajamas with his loot.
He may have eaten a couple of pieces before bed. It's Halloween, right?? You can see the chocolate on his mouth.