Wherever Lex goes you will know. He is the "Destructor". He pulls open drawers, opens cabinets, you name it. He loves to make messes. I chase him all day and clean up after him. His favorite place to play, I know it is disgusting is the bathroom. His favorite thing in there is the toilet paper, then opening the cabinets and pulling all the towels out, then pulling all my toiletries out, like pads, tampons, hair stuff. I need a new place to store all these items. It has been fun but I have to watch him like a hawk.
He likes to play with outlets. Yes, my house is child-proof and I have the plug things, so no worries. He is just so much work. It is fun to watch him to see what damage he can do. So this is what I have been doing. I would blog at night but Ben has started school again and it is "his" computer. Naps I guess are my best bet.
Sounds like you need some cabinet latches.
please blog more often...
He is funny, he is a little punk sometimes though. He is adorable though so he can get away with it.
I have some cabinet latches, like in the important places. The only place I don't is in the bathroom.
Some say he is an X-man. His power is the power to destroy!
Your son has to be one of the cutest boys I've ever seen (aside from mine of course).
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