Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Too much fun!

You would not believe the things Lex has done this weekend. Sure, he looks innocent enough. He is not. He found a container of vaseline and opened and got it all over his hands. I found him fast enough before he could make a huge mess. He ran to the bathroom when the door was open and opened the toilet lid and started playing in the water. He has a radar when the bathroom door is open. He loves to play in there. I have no idea why. The scariest thing he did was Monday morning. I fed him breakfast in his high chair and I ran to go use the restroom. I seriously cannot leave this kid alone longer than a minute, if that. He managed to climb out so when I went back into the kitchen he was sitting on top of the tray. I nearly had a heart attack.
Over the weekend we enjoyed our favorite place, Cafe Rio. I love it. Lex liked it ok but I think he liked the styrofoam better.

Lex in the bathroom. What a little monster!

Jen, how is my photography? These are my roses from valentines from dad.


just jen said...

good pic, i am impressed.

very good mom skills...going to the bathroom? not allowed!

Mrs. Misses said...

This is definitely the time when things start getting crazy. You can't let your guard down for even a second - for the rest of their life! Ok, maybe when they're finally 18.
What color were the roses? I bet that picture would look great in color, too. Good photography must run in the family.

Emily B said...

I've checked up on you guys a few times through Wendy's blog. I just haven't ever left a comment. Lex is so cute. You guys look great. I hope you are enjoying Utah.
Emily =)

martha corinna said...

Doesn't every kid get into vaseline or something equally as nasty? I think it's a right of passage.
By the way, I love the photo of the roses.