When we were in Las Vegas for Thanksgiving Lex tried the turkey and liked it okay. The next night we had venison (deer) and he went nuts. He loves venison. I guess he could not have his last name if he didn't like it. That relieved a little stress for me.
We took some family pictures while were down there. Please don't look at my huge you know what... I can't wait for my surgery!
Anyone have any tips of weening babies from breastfeeding??? I'm all ears!
I don't have any tips, I myself am not doing such a good job of weening.
Good luck!
I am sorry. I know you said not to look but I just couldn't help it. Those ears just sucked me in...
cute pics love. lex is adorable
Crazy! Hope he keeps up on eating meat. Cam will barely touch the stuff.
Do you have that book the Motherly Guide to Breastfeeding? If you read the Baby Whisperer, also, she has some pretty good tips for weaning, but I would just pump and start giving him a bottle with your breastmilk, or do you do that already? Limiting it down to one or two nursing sessions and starting to fade out the time (15 min one night, 13 min the next, 10 min the third, then 8 min, 5 min, etc). The rest of the time make it a bottle, maybe given by somebody else. If you want to start using formula, do 6 oz breastmilk plus 2 oz formula for a few days. Then 5 oz breastmilk, 3 oz formula for another few, 4 oz formula 4 oz breastmilk and so on. Unless he's not so picky then just start feeding him formula.
So my suggestions are read the Motherly Guide to Breastfeeding or whatever its called, the Baby Whisperer or just do a search online for weaning. Your boobs have to adjust, too, so be careful and do your best to avoid mastitis (that is THE MOST HORRIBLE - I had it twice with Brenden). It may be an emotional thing for both of you, but stay consistent and keep going forward. You can do it!
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