So, last night we had the official meeting for the new HOA board members. I am the new treasurer. I can't believe what I am doing. It will be a lot of work. I guess it will be good for me. It won't be that bad, right? Already the old ladies call me. She called last night around 915 to tell me she had keys,.... great!! Then, already today she has called me 2 times to ask questions and ask favors. I don't know. Jen and Colin called them the old lady mafia. It is true! They know everything that happens. I guess it is good and bad. They really look out for the complex.
I am excited. This Sat. we are going to hike Timpanogos and tour the caves. It will be fun. The real question is, "Am I going to make it???" We will also be taking Lex so that will be an extra 15 pounds or so. I haven't been since I was a kid. Tomorrow is my dads birthday. We are going up to slc because my mom has an appointment to get her fingerprints done for part of her citizenship. Jen told us to try this retaurant called dodo's. I don't know if that is how you spell it, but we will try it. It better be good!!
no, it is called the dodo.
he does look cute in the hat even though he got heat exhaustion.
i know, i am a crazy mom. thanks for helping me not to give him further heat exhaustion. ha ha
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