Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Growing still

Ben started school last week and he already is back in the swing of things, begrudgingly though. He is such a hard worker. Good luck with this semester babe!Lex had another dr. appointment. It was just another check-up. He is doing well. He is in the 30th percentile for height and 10th for weight. He isn't so big but what can you expect from ME. He had 2 shots and did very well. Lex was so much fun yesterday! He was being so funny. He was a little entertainer trying to make everyone laugh. He did a good job.
Lex was all over the place. Playing with great gma's walker, he thought he was being pretty funny stealing it away from her.
He was having fun with gma. He was out of control.

We were watching the new show yesterday, Wipeout. If you missed it, it was hilarious. I loved it and was laughing so much. Lex thought he would join in the fun.
He sure was playing hard. I think he might even still be teething? He was biting everything and hard. He would even shake he was biting so hard.
Lex just didn't want to leave. G-ma put him on the car and he stomped and stomped. It was so cute.

1 comment:

Rachel Leigh said...

he is such the cutest/funniest little boy in the whole world. I want to come play today!